web management plans

There are 3 management plans offered by webmanager.ie. For smaller websites that will not need many updates and require just basic up-keep.

The Basic level plan offers the peace of mind of a managed website at an affordable price.


Mid level plan may suit larger websites or websites that are important for a business. For example they may not require much up-keep but may get a lot of traffic and are therefore important for the business. Traffic reports will show where the traffic is coming to (which pages on the website) and software and security will be monitored on an ongoing basis.


The Upper level plan offers more monitoring and reporting options with SEO reports showing where improvements might be made and content addition available to keep engagement and traffic levels improving on the website. This will be suitable for anyone selling products or services on an ongoing basis who will benefit from seeing ongoing improvements in traffic and leads.


Use the contact form to drop a line and find out more about the services on offer

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