Website Hosting in Ireland

Website Hosting in Ireland

Website hosting is the term used to describe online data storage for your website. When you register a domain name, you are effectively naming an online publication or online store. The hosting describes the directory in which information for this publication or details for these products or services is stored.

There are different types of storage options available. These are covered in more detail in the VPS Hosting feature and Shared Hosting feature. The choice of the type of hosting will factor in such details as the size of the website in terms of number of products or amount of information to be displayed. For some small businesses a website may not need more than 4 or 5 pages of information. In cases such as this shared hosting may suffice. Larger sites will typically benefit more from VPS hosting or Managed Cloud Hosting.

Website hosting will typically be charged on a monthly or yearly basis. Costs will depend on the type of hosting chosen with shared hosting coming in cheapest and managed virtual servers usually costing much more. 

VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a solution that is becoming very popular because it is both cost efficient and fast. You can allocate a suitable amount of disk-space and RAM for your needs and this can be increased at a later date. One of the services provided by is the provision and set up of VPS hosting. This together with a backup solution (especially important when managing your own server) provides speed and scalability for your website hosting needs.

Shared hosting is the budget friendly option when it comes to hosting a website. It can be a good option for a starter website or basic one page or low content website. It involves sharing server space with other websites on a shared server. Shared hosting providers include Blacknight in Ireland and many other options such as which is an international service. If going with a shared server it is better to choose one based in Ireland as these will offer superior service when it comes to customer support.

Some popular providers of Website Hosting in Ireland are listed below


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